أميكال, منتج فريد من نوعه لمكافحة مرض السكري تم إطلاقه في منطقة الشرق الأوسط. يحتوي أميكال على ستارش لايت وهو مستخلص مصنوع من حبوب فاصولياء البيضاء وهو طبيعي بنسبة 100 ٪ وعندما يرش فوق الطعام أو يخلط بالماء ، ثبت علمياً انه يحد من التأثير السلبي للأغذية النشوية على نسبة السكر في الدم وعلى الجسم.
We all want to be able to eat healthily. But, our modern lifestyles often mean that we are indulging in unhealthy food a bit more often than our waistline would like. To eat healthily, all you need to do is eat the right food, in the right amounts. That way, you don’t eat more than your recommended daily allowance, but you still have all the vitamins and minerals your body relies on.
Don’t let diabetes stand in the way of you and good food. Go wild with these five ingredients and see what you can create. Just remember to keep portion sizes and sugar intake under control and eat a balanced diet.
We’re sure you’ve heard it all before. “Carbs are bad!” “Don’t eat carbs!”
Or are they? We’re always seeing news of diets that are “carb-free” or "low-carb". Anything that fad diets are avoiding must be bad - right? Well, you might be surprised that carbs actually form a major part of a healthy, balanced diet. Here we break down what carbs actually are, are why you should still eat them.